Saturday, 2 February 2013
Frome - LibDem Farm Minister - Rural Poverty - Rural Revolt
David Heath LibDem Farm Minister axes Agricultural Wages Board, he and his Party supported prior to the 2010 General election today he faced a protest by local farm workers and supporters of Country Standard.
Axing the Agricultural wages Board and forcing thousands of Farm workers into poverty does not seem to trouble Somerton & Frome MP.
A majority of those responding to the consultation on Agricultural wages Board called for it to be maintained, and DEFRA itself accepted it would take millions out of the rural economy (ie they anticipate pay cuts)
The LibDems were happy to support Labour's proposals for increased powers for the Grocery Code Adjudicator (GCA) to regulate the power of supermarkets and its relationships with farmers, but obviously think farm workers should not have similar protection, what is clear is the LibDem's do not care about Rural Poverty
Interestingly, his fellow LibDem MP's don't seem to have been consulted on his actions and a number (including Cornish LibDem Andrew George) have stated that they believe it would be a disaster if the AWB was axed.
Stop Rural Poverty - Support the Agricultural Wages Board