Fuel discounts for remote rural areas 'not in Budget'
According to a BBC report today the planned discount for fuel in rural communities trumpeted by Tory and Lib Dem Government Ministers in the Tory newspapers at the weekend has been abandoned.
Country Standard warned rural communities that the Tories were simply peddling more lies when they announced their proposals prior to the General Election.
Now Tory/Lib Dem hypocrisy has been exposed yet again, and abandoned rural communities.
SNP MP Angus MacNeil "not just disappointing, it is a despicable betrayal by the Tory-Lib Dem government at a time when the country is crying out for action to bring down fuel costs."
And Labour's shadow transport minister John Woodcock MP said: "Rural communities need urgent help, they will be dismayed by the sight of ministers running around like headless chickens when they are the ones who have just imposed a VAT hike hitting everyone at the pump".