Canadian New Democrats
Spreading Socialism tour 2007
One of the greatest challenges identified at the Wynyard retreat is the need to engage more youth members in rural Saskatchewan.
In order to reach more young people across the province, the SYND is planning a "Spreading Socialism" tour throughout Saskatchewan this summer. In the coming months, we are hoping to fund raise enough money to pay for transportation and camping fees and plan to visit as many communities as we can across the province.
Constituencies who may be interested in being part of our summer tour are encouraged to contact myself at the number below.
On behalf of the SYND, I would like to thank all Saskatchewan New Democrats for the support and encouragement you have shown. This is shaping up to be a very exciting year!
Sarah Connor is President of the Saskatchewan Young New Democrats (SYND)
Saskatchewan Commonwealth Journal
The bed rock of New Democrat support was amongst (and still is) amongst rural farmers and workers.
In the1944 election, the Saskatchewan CCF (now New Democrats), led by premier Tommy Douglas, swept to power, forming the first socialist government in North America.
The CCF/NDP has governed the province with only two interruptions (1964-71 and 1982-91) since 1944.
Arguably, the party's greatest accomplishment was the introduction of North America's first comprehensive system of public medical insurance or Medicare/Thomas "Tommy" Clement Douglas, October 20, 1904 - February 24, 1986 was a Scottish born Baptist minister was recently voted he was voted "The Greatest Canadian of all time