Wednesday 2 February 2011

Save Rural Britain - Lobby 9th February


Save rural Britain logoWednesday 9 February 2011

Old Palace Yard, Westminster, London SW1P 3JY

Demonstration from 12.30pm, lobby from 2pm

On 22 July 2010 the coalition government announced plans to scrap the Agricultural Wages Board (AWB) putting thousands of rural and agricultural workers’ pay and conditions in jeopardy.

The AWB has been in existence since the first world war and protects agricultural workers’ pay and conditions. If the AWB is removed not only will agricultural workers suffer but also their employers, the farmers. Pay bargaining would become instantly fragmented and every farmer that employs workers would have to become a negotiator overnight.

Abolition would give bad employers the opportunity to undercut wage agreements in a race to the bottom as rates sink closer to the national minimum wage. That’s why Unite is campaigning to stop the abolition of the AWB.

Come along on Wednesday 9 February 2011 and help save the AWB!

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