Thursday 11 April 2013

Rural Council Tax is more expensive than those in Urban areas

Rural Council Tax is more expensive than those in Urban areas

Parliamentary question 28th February 2013

For unitary authorities, the average area council tax per dwelling during 2012-13 was

£1110 (predominantly urban)

£1339 (significant rural)

£1260 (predominantly rural).

For Shire areas, the average area council tax per dwelling during 2012-13 was

£1271 (predominantly urban)

£1312 (significant rural)

£1356 (predominantly rural)

Rural Crisis: Weekly spending by rural households (£510.50) is more than £50 higher than that of urban households (£458.30), Fuel 2p more

From all over the UK rural workers, some dressed as scarecrows, ... when rural workers already earn on average £4,000 year less than city ...