The editorial states that
The Eco-Socialist is a newspaper initiated by the Green Left, eco-socialist grouping within the Green Party of England & wales.
Our aim is to create a wide ranging and inclusive publication (not merely propaganda for our own party) that contributes to the discussion on eco-socialisn and help build the broader movement against the interwoven crises of climate change and capitalism.
You can find out more about Green left by visiting
This edition includes articles on Fracking, Reclaiming Education, Climate, Homelessness, The case for re-nationalisations of the railways, Zombie capitalism, Equality and the cuts, a book review by Derek Wall of David Graeber's book on debt and an excellent article on the time for a Green/Left wedge.
The editorial team includes well nown and respected environmental campaigners Douglas Rouxel, Romayne Phoenix and Martin O'Brien.
Country Standard looks forward as a non aliened rural progressive journal, to working with them in the many campaigns that lay ahead.